Now you’re probably scratching your head after reading the title of this blog post. You’re probably thinking, “Dude, I’m already on a fuck date via https://www.onlinesexdates.com/ . How can I fuck up? How can I fail to get laid?” Well that’s your first mistake. Don’t think that just because you’re on a fuck date you automatically get to stick your penis into a tight hole. It doesn’t work that way. You can’t assume anything.
You can’t expect that just because a chick agreed to go on a fuck date you with no emotional strings attached, you will automatically have a good time. Don’t for a moment think that you will automatically get what you are looking for. It doesn’t work that way. You have to work for it. You have to make sure that she’s comfortable. You have to make sure that you’re comfortable. You have to set the right setting and you have to establish the right environment.
Now I’m not saying that you have to go on a formal date. A fuck date, after all, is not a typical date. A typical date is where you take a chick to a restaurant, you get her flowers, you go to a carnival, you play some carnival games, you go to the beach, you watch the sunset together, and all that romantic lovey-dovey stuff. That’s not a fuck date. A fuck date is where you meet a total stranger at a designated place, you drive a short distance and you knock boots at a local motel.
Now you’re thinking, “So if that’s the case, then why do I have to worry about making sure I act properly during a fuck date? Isn’t success automatic?” No it isn’t. You see, just because you have a penis doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re an ideal fuck date material. You see, women that go on fuck dates have a tremendous amount of guys they can choose from. Don’t for a moment think that you are unique.
Don’t for a moment think that you’re Mr. Prince Charming of the fuck date scene. It doesn’t work that way. Not by a long shot. You are expendable. You are just another penis in a landscape. There are tons of other penises out there. By wrapping your mind around this central fact, you increase the likelihood that you will be successful on your fuck date.
Keep the following tips in mind. First, be ready. In other words, have the right mindset. Keep it fun, keep it light, entertain her, crack a few jokes, be interesting. Don’t just get down to business. Don’t just show up all creepy with that nasty look in your eyes and scare the fuck out of her. That’s not going to work out. Chances are she’s going to cancel the fuck date and you’re going to go home to jerk off. Not a good ending, okay? Don’t show up looking all desperate.
Second, you need to come prepared with proper equipment. Meaning, you have to take Viagra if you need to, and you need to bring protection. Don’t expect the woman to bring protection. Don’t expect her to bring the condom, the anti-viral foam, and all that shit. You need to be prepared. You need to be responsible. This is your health were talking about here.
Third, pick being in control. In other words, pick the place you’re going to do it, pick the time and make sure you deliver. Show up on time, don’t be late, don’t be rude, don’t use cuss words, treat her well. It really is pretty basic. It doesn’t have to be all romantic, but you have to make sure that it’s pleasant.