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Posted By Teen Porn on 05/27/14 - Write A Comment!

hot asian girl rubbing her pussy on the corner of a table to masturbate

Once when I spent the night at a friends house I overslept and ended up waking up after my buddy had already left for work. His little sister lived with him and I could here her breathing pretty heavy in the next room. I wondered if she was masturbating. Maybe I’d get a free show?

His little sis had small tits that were new and perky. Like two perfect mounds that would fit nicely into your hands. She was kneeling down on her knees in front of a table. The corner of the table was level with her pussy mound and she was rubbing it back and forth over the corner to masturbate. My cock burst out of my boxer shorts like it had been fired out of a cannon!

As I watched his sister pumped her hips faster and faster. She was beginning to sweat on her brow and her breathing was labored. She was ready to cum. Just as she was going to thrash in orgasm she opened her eyes and saw me standing there in the doorway with my dick in my hand. After a few quick glances up at my face and then back to my hand as it pounded away at my cock she started moving her hips again. Only this time she was moving them in sync with my own pumping.

It only took a matter of seconds for both of us to get so hot and bothered we came at the same time. I thought she might hurt herself as her hips twitched sending her clit hard into the tables edge. I turned my hips to shoot my load onto the wall in the hallway. I figured it’d be easier to wipe it off of there instead of the carpet.

After we both regained our composure we didn’t know what to do. We had never really knew each other so it wasn’t like we could get chummy about anything. We both exited to our rooms hastily. Once the door was closed my cock got hard again and I beat it off one more time. I could hear her whimpering in her room and knew she was doing the same! has some of the most erotic panty, Japanese, masturbation, lesbian and shaved pussy footage you will ever lay your eyes on. This site has bald pussy girls online back before it became vogue. So there are hundreds of videos for you to start watching and downloading right away!

Posted By Teen Porn on 06/10/13 - Write A Comment!


This video is pretty sexy in some strange ways. In particular I like watching this girl write in her diary while she wears some bikini panties. A girl I used to date wore panties like these and one day she asked if I would like to try them on. I guess I hesitated long enough for her to know I did and she quickly peeled them off and started putting them on me.

Once they were on me I could feel them digging into my butt cheeks. For some reason that turned me on and my cock started releasing a lot of precum. She squeezed my pecker hard and told me that she could tell I liked wearing her panties.

Before I knew it she was pulling me out of her room and into her kitchen. Nobody else was home, but it felt weird being so far away from my own clothes. If anybody did come home I’d have only seconds to make it back into her room or they’d see me in her panties. My cock really started oozing precum now.

The next thing I knew she opened the sliding glass door and pulled me outside into the sun. All of her neighbors had single story homes so nobody could see us back there. But not it was impossible to hide if somebody were to return home. My excitement was turning to fear and she sensed it.

To make me calm down she pushed me down onto a lounge chair and then got on her knees next to me. Her naked body was very athletic and in the summer sun it looked exceptional. I reached out and began to play with her pussy. She told me to jerk myself off and I gripped my cock through her panties. The soft material felt great as I stroked it back and forth over my cock.

As I played with her pussy we heard a commotion inside her house. Somebody was home! We bolted to the side yard and looked inside her house from one of the windows. It was her brother. He went into his room and closed the door. Should we try and make it into her room without him hearing us?

My girlfriend grabbed my butt and told me that she didn’t remember ever telling me to stop jerking off for her. I looked at her like she was crazy, but her look back at me said she meant business. I reluctantly started jerking my cock again as she sat down in the grass with her back to the house. As I jerked my cock she rubbed her clit with one hand and fucked herself with the other.

After a few minutes I was ready to cum and told her so. She told me to go ahead and just cum in "your" panties. I felt strange hearing her say they were my panties and not her panties. I also hadn’t ever cummed in my shorts before so I wasn’t sure about doing it at that moment.

To help me she started talking dirty to me. She told me she wanted to see my cum soak my panties so she could see my hard cock through them. As I listened I felt my balls tighten. I closed my eyes and blew large gobs of cum into the panties. It spread all over me and some ran down to pull near my nuts. I looked down and the entire front of my panties were soaked.

She started rubbing the rub all over the front of the panties and finally hit her own orgasm. It was much stronger than any orgasm I had ever seen her have in my presence. I guess seeing me in cum soaked panties really drove her over the edge.

At that moment her brother left his room and headed into the bathroom carrying a towel and some clothes. He was going to take a shower. It was time for us to sneak back into her room. As we got to the backdoor my wet panties were actually getting very cold. By the time we got to her room (in her air conditioned house) my cock was tiny from the cold. She laughed at the site of it sticking straight out and only being about three inches long.

I went to remove the panties and she stopped me. She told me to wear them for her still. I put my boxers and my shorts on over the panties hoping the wetness wouldn’t seep through. We got in her car and to my surprise we didn’t head towards my house. Instead she drove us to the mall "to get a few things" real quick.

Just as I had figured a few things were more like a dozen and every one of them was in a different store in a different section of the mall. I kept having to fight the urge to pull my panties out of my butt.

For the last thing we headed into the lingerie section of a major department store. She made me stand next to her as she talked about how soft a certain pair of panties were, making me stroke them to see what she was talking about. My cock started to stir. My panties were still cum soaked. I could feel it growing and as it grew my cock-head slid against the soft gooey material. This made it even more excited and before long I had seven inches of pure excitement pitching a tent in my pants. Luckily this was the last shop so I had plenty of bags to cover myself with.

After what seemed like forever and a day she brought some panties to the changing rooms. Normally I would have stood outside, but she insisted I come in with her. We went into a stall and I put down the bags. She saw my boner and giggled loud enough that people might get the wrong idea. Though, they’d be 100% right about the wrong idea.

My girlfriend took off her shorts and panties before pulling on some thong underwear. She turned into the mirror to check them out and asked how they looked. I told her they looked great on her. Then she held some up towards me and told me it was my turn.

The panties she had selected were a Hello Kitty brand of cotton bikini style. I signed heavily and took off my shorts and boxers. Then I took off my panties and hung them on the door. I pulled on the Hello Kitty panties and they fit a little more snug than the other ones did. My cock barely fit inside them and I had to angle it sideways. She twirled a finger in the air as if to tell me to turn around. I did and she slapped me on the ass. HARD!

I let out a yelp and she laughed telling me she had always wanted to crack a guy on the ass like that. I pulled off the panties and handed them back to her. She handed me my cum soaked ones and my shorts. We got dressed. I opened the stall door to find several women glaring at us and looking down at my ass as I walked on by in disgust.

Once we were at the register I noticed a mirror attached to a pillar. I walked over to it to check out my ass and there was a hint of visible panty lines. Oh shit!

When we got to my house my girlfriend handed me my new panties. She told me to be a good boy and fill them with plenty of cum before I saw her again. She didn’t have to ask me to do that. I was going to anyway. In fact, I jerked off as soon as she left twice. Then later on she called me and we had phone sex. Later that night I jerked off in them again. By the time I got to her house that evening they were so soaked they never dried. She was very pleased with my work. And the fact that I was wearing my new Hello Kitty panties.

Posted By Teen Porn on 06/08/13 - Write A Comment!

Abby Winters - Peta & Paula Video

Putting your hand down a girls panties while locked in a passionate kiss with her never gets old. In this moment you have complete control over her. She wants nothing more than to cum on your hand. This kind of erotic sensuality is why Abby Winters is by far one of the hottest sites on the Internet. You cannot beat their quality, their quantity or their style.

The girls at range from the average girl to total hot stuff. They have a lot of in between there. One of the best things about the site is you know you could get with any one of these girls. They are not out of reach. These girls are real.

Some of the best videos on the site are the Intimate Moments. They often have girls masturbating on the same bed that have never done anything like that in front of anybody before and/or have not been in pornography before. You end up with some truly intimate moments!

There are certain sites out there that everybody should join at least once. Abby Winters is one of those sites. It is also a site that updates so often you should join it at least once a year to grab the new updates. Happy fapping!

Posted By Teen Porn on 05/30/13 - Write A Comment!


Do you remember the part in the movie Contact when the billionaire tells the main character about the first rule in government spending? He says something about not settling for one thing when you can have two for twice the price. Well, this is sort of like that. Why settle for one Abby Winters gallery when you can have two and they are both free?

This time we also have two girls in the gallery. Why have only one when two are twice as nice?

Both girls have small tits and a flirtatious nature about them. Seeing them frolic in their clingy panties is almost too much to bear. (Did somebody get their dose of the Great Gatsby last night?) Somehow, though, I think we will find a way to manage.

With Abby Winters you get a whole different perspective on teen sex. They use real girls from Australia without resorting to cookie cutter bullshit. The worst part about most porn sites is that they are all the same. Abby lets the girls explore their individuality in exciting and fresh ways.

Again, do something different and exciting this time. Give Abby Winters a try, will us old sport?

Posted By Teen Porn on 05/30/13 - Write A Comment!

Phillipa masturbation hand in her panties

One of the things you really begin to miss as you get older is watching real girls masturbate in real ways. While doing this job I either buy or receive dozens of teen porn site memberships a month. Even with all of that porn at my finger tips I still get tired of it all. I want to watch the girl next door rub her pussy!

There is only one site that gives me my girl next door fix in a consistent way and it is called Abby Winters. I have been a member of this site for almost and entire decade. Even after all of that time I am still not caught up on the updates. I don’t think it is possible to catch up at this point. That is one of the beautiful things about this site. You know there will always be more waiting for you tomorrow.

Have an intimate moment with the girls from down under on Abby Winters.

Posted By Teen Porn on 01/05/13 - Write A Comment!


Growing up I had a crush that used to live a few doors down from me. She had a blonde friend that used to come over that was equally cute. The blonde was a bit out of my league and I was partial to brunettes so I always focused most of my attention on the brunette. She looked a lot like Chloe 18. Her friend Stacy looked similar to the blonde above. Maybe that is why I never got into blonde girls? They all look the same to me.

Anyway, these two were just beginning to like boys and I was lucky enough to be their test subject when it came to experimentation. This gallery from reminds me of a game we once played.

Our parents were all friends and thought of us all as siblings. What they didn’t know is we didn’t think that way. It worked to our advantage when the parents would all go to a bar for happy hour leaving us home alone to explore each other’s bodies.


Things started getting interesting when Chloe and Stacy began to notice my obsession with their hind regions. Both girls chloe-18/5746/teen.htm”>small boobs were filling in and their butts were becoming fleshy. Whenever I thought I could steal a glance without them seeing me I would. Occasionally I got caught.

One night they got together and busted me red handed. Stacy was wearing some pink terry cloth shorts that showed her ass cheeks and Chloe 18 was wearing some striped ones that were just as short. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of their teen booties.

The girls were going to make chocolate chip cookies and I watched from a seat at the kitchen table a few feet away. Both girls kept dropping things on the floor and bending over to pick them up. They found every reason imaginable to bend over the counter. My dick was beginning to get stiff and I kept having to think about things like snails to keep myself from pitching a pup tent in my pants.


Simultaneously the girls went from bending over to spinning around so their eyes were right at the same position their butts were only a second beforehand. They both wanted to know what I was looking at down there with giggles and laughter. I stuttered a bit and Stacy pulled her shorts up her butt asking me if that was what I was looking at. They could tell by the look on my face what the true answer was to that question.

Then Chloe got down on her knees and started kneading Stacy’s ass cheeks. She asked me if I liked her butt and I slowly nodded my head. The girls burst into laughter when Chloe brought up how red my face was getting.

Both girls stood up and pulled their shorts down to show off their butts. My dick uncontrollably began to grow down the leg of my pants. This of course brought more laughter from the girls. My face was beet red by this point. My embarrassment was clearly visible.

That is when Chloe took pity on me. She moaned for me in sympathy and told me not to feel embarrassed. Both girls reassured me that they liked the fact that I was turned on by them. They walked over to me using that one foot in front of the other high heeled walk girls do when they are being sexy and trailed their fingers up my legs starting at the knee.

As Chloe’s fingers reached my cock she lightly gripped it between her thumb and forefinger giving it a squeeze. Stacy’s hand cupped my balls lightly squeezing them as well.

Chloe half asked, half commanded, "How about you let us see it?"

By then I was like putty in their hands. I didn’t answer and they took that as a yes. The girls quickly undid the buttons of my jeans. They gave them and my underwear a quick tug allowing my cock to pop out bouncing against my tummy.

"WOW!" The girls exclaimed. They then showered me with compliments about how big it was. Stacy said something about how it was much bigger than her little brother’s penis.

Chloe reached forward and grabbed it. As she did some precum came out of the tip. The girls looked at each other before sticking out their tongues and lowering their heads. Both of their tongues touched the head of my cock at the same time. I wanted to explode into their mouths right there and then. More precum came out and they tongue wrestled trying to be the one to lap it up.


At the time it didn’t occur to me that they had just, in effect, kissed with tongue. I was too busy enjoying the sensations of having such a soft body part roll over the most sensitive part of my body. Stacy began to play with my balls while Chloe began to stroke my dong. As I watched they used their tongues all over the head, and up and down the shaft of my cock.

Stacy pulled back and let Chloe have some solo time with my cock. Chloe took half of it into her mouth and began to bob her head up and down. It felt amazing. Just as I was getting into her rhythm she pulled away and it was Stacy’s turn. She did the same as Chloe for a bit and then tried to go further down my cock taking about two-thirds of it into her mouth before gagging and pulling away.

The challenge was on. Now each girl would blow me for a few bobs up and down before ending it by trying to take more of my cock into her mouth than the previous girl had. Neither of them could get past three-quarters of the way down my cock. While it was that far in their mouths the sensations were out of this world. So warm; so wet; so soft. It was time to blow my load!

I timed it so I could cum in Chloe’s mouth since she was my crush. When it was time I gave her the courtesy of tapping her head to let he know I needed to blow. She pulled back so just the head of my cock was in her mouth and stroked the wet shaft with her hand. My balls exploded and she moaned in surprise as my spunk began to shoot into her mouth.

Stacy looked on expectantly like she wanted some too. I tapped Chloe again and she looked at Stacy as my sperm was still firing into the back of her throat. Chloe pulled away and Stacy got into position, but not before a shot hit her in the chin. Chloe grabbed a glass off of the table and spit my load into it before going down to lick my cum off of her friends chin. By then my sperm flow had stopped spurting and Stacy turned to meet Chloe with a kiss.

As I watched these two beautiful girls traded my future offspring between their mouths. Suddenly it was as if the wave of passion subsided and they came back down to reality. They broke their kiss and both began to giggle again. Chloe noticed more cum running down the fingers of her hand she still had wrapped around my cock and she lapped it up. Another bit of cum oozed out and also tried to get away, but not before Stacy got that gob too.

The girls remained on their knees watching my penis shrink, and as it did, more goo come out of the top. Just then they remembered their cookies and we all looked at the stove as smoke began to billow out of it. They bounded over to the stove and removed the cookies. Chloe turned on the exhaust fan while Stacy pushed open the kitchen window.

Chloe 18 looked at the time and called out that our parents were do home soon. I took this as my cue to put my pants back on. The girls ditched the cookies and turned off the stove before washing the pans. As I watched I couldn’t help but feel as though it was all a dream. Only minutes ago they were trading my sperm in a kiss.

Once their mess was picked up the girls bolted upstairs to Chloe’s room and locked the door. I could hear them giggling as they recounted to each other what had happened.

Over time we would progressively get more involved sexually. Eventually Stacy moved away and it was just Chloe and I. Two quasi-siblings having sex every time our parents left us alone! is part of the Premium GFs network. You get over 30 solo models and more multi-model sites for one price. Take the Chloe 18 tour and you will be amazed by the quality, quantity and barely legal beauty of the girls!

Posted By Teen Porn on 11/29/12 - Write A Comment!


Hey there, buddy, relax. I know you are pissed off and wondering why nobody invited you to the party, but you are here now. Just sit back and enjoy watching some hot teen girls kissing!

At the Lightspeed Sorority kissing parties like this one happen on a weekly basis. Along with these kinds of parties they also have lesbian initiations and much more. It is kind of un-fucking-believable really. It makes you wonder how you missed this kind of thing back when you were in college.

This particular gallery is from the members area of Dana Lightspeed. It showcases one of the best aspects of the network. Even the solo sites of individual girls feature dozens of videos and picture galleries of extra girls.

Speaking of extra girls. For just $6.95 you can try 10 of the sites out for three days. If you don’t wish to stay a member you can cancel without having to talk to anybody. It is all handled online by CCBILL. One of the most trusted names in the porn industry.

I also suggest trying out Nubiles while you are on the join form. They don’t pre-check it off like other scammer sites do. They let you choose if you want the extra site. At $2.95 for a two day trial it is plenty worth it. They have over 1000 models!

Posted By Teen Porn on 11/18/12 - Write A Comment!


Is it really that obvious that I have a thing for this girl? I have written many posts about Emily 18 and every time I think I am over her I get right back on that naughty little horse and ride it until I have speed burns! Maybe having a thing for such a cute girl isn’t such a bad thing. She keeps me young!

This photo from her hammock picture set is a perfect visual buffet. You have her lips bathed in lip gloss. You have her small tits perfectly perky even when she is on her back. Her shorts are ready to slide over and reveal her panties. Her panties are ready to slide over and reveal her tender pussy lips. All she has to do is sit back and relax while your tongue does all of the work.

I will go on record as saying that even if Emily 18 told me we couldn’t fuck and basically I was only going to get a handjob every once in a while, I would still lick her pussy and suck on her small tits on a daily basis. Several times a day if she would let me.

Does that make me her sex slave? I hope so! I truly hope so!

Posted By Teen Porn on 08/13/11 - Write A Comment!


This is one of those pictures that just keeps getting better and better as you scroll down. This girlie’s name is Kimmy Teen. She likes to dress up in cute outfits and bright clothing. Her small tits are super perky and her freckles match her red hair.

Kimmy Teen just turned of age and she wants to experiment. All of the boys her age seem so dorky to her. Kimmy wants a real man. Someone who appreciates how beautiful she is and has a lot of patience.

If you are that guy I suggest you grab a pass. When you are done with Kimmy you can move on to her friends like Little Danni and Debbie Teen!

Posted By Teen Porn on 08/05/11 - Write A Comment!


I am sure there are a lot of guys out there that don’t find this girl particularly attractive because of her tiny tits. Now I could say something like, cool, more for me, but then that would be silly wouldn’t it? I mean, technically it would be less for me.

18 Only Girls is a site born out of several worlds colliding. What we’ve ended up with is a colossal mega-site with five new updates a day, 24/7 free web cam chat, over 450 models and over 7,000 videos at your disposal. I just realized I am using some pretty prodigious words in this paragraph!


One of my favorite sites that got eaten up by this voracious web site was called Virgin Off. Nothing but small tits, panties, girls kissing, a lot, and everything a truly perverted guy could ever want. Now you get that, plus tons of content from more sites!

Time for you to take the 18 Only Girls tour!

Posted By Teen Porn on 07/10/11 - Write A Comment!


I have always enjoyed watching girls kiss. I cannot explain why it fascinates me so much, I just know I really, really enjoy watching them do it!

Some of you already know this about me. After all, my blog is filled with pics of girls kissing! What you might not know is that I also really enjoy Asian girls when they fool around. Again, not sure why. Perhaps it is because Asian girls can be in their mid to late twenties and still look like they are teenagers?


Along with watching Asian girls kissing, I like to see their camel toe. Most Asian girls have a Cleft of Venus. That is where the lips are puffy enough to hide their clit. All you see is a slit. Add some oil to those panties and. WOW!


Posted By Teen Porn on 05/14/11 - Write A Comment!

You could have scoured the Internet in search of this kind of nummy goodness and undoubtedly found shots like these for free. And in the mean time your wife and kids would have left (this time for good). You would have lost your job, your dog, the house, the car and Starbucks would have banned you for life after seeing what you’ve been using their free WIFI to download.

Sometimes it is just better to pay for convenience. You do it at the car wash. You do it at the dry cleaners. You do it when you want your rugs shampooed. Now it is time to do it in order to get tons of camel toe and upskirt pics like the ones above and below! Click MORE!


Posted By Teen Porn on 03/15/11 - Write A Comment!


Hey, a girls gotta dream right? Why not do it online with a video camera rolling and an audience?!?! That must have been what was going through the mind of Emily 18 when she made this hot and steamy video!

With her perky young boobs and her soft angelic skin Emily 18 looks so fucking barely legal it ain’t even funny. Who would believe the girl you are looking at right now is a twenty-four year old woman? Nobody! I can’t even believe it myself and I have been writing about her since my blog started in 2005!

When a girl looks this good in her lower twenties you can only imagine what she looked like six years ago when she got started. Actually, you don’t have to imagine it because is filled with videos and picture sets from back then!

Do the math. She looks 18 or 19 now and five years ago she looked.

You dirty old man ;)

Posted By Teen Porn on 03/11/11 - Write A Comment!

/little-bree/2618/teen.htm” target=”_blank”>little_bree

/” target=”_blank”>Little Bree, because everyone should have a cute, sassy, /little-bree/2618/teen.htm” target=”_blank”>small tits, schoolgirl teenager they can come home to!

Unlike most girls her age, /” target=”_blank”>Little Bree is no tease. She goes all the way in her videos with boys and girls! She masturbates and loves to get naked while her mom and dad are at work. They keep telling Bree to get a job, but they have no idea she already has one!

You can access all of her videos and picture sets along with 18 of her 18 year old friends! Only one pass gives you this level of access and it is called the ” target=”_blank”>Tiny Teen Pass. Not only do you get solo models like Little Summer, Lil Maya, Little Lupe and Tiny Tyler, you also get twins like the Milton Twins and the Texas Twins too!

I always say, why have one /little-bree/2618/teen.htm” target=”_blank”>small tits schoolgirl waiting for you at home when you can have 18?

Posted By Teen Porn on 01/17/11 - Write A Comment!


Fuck me if Jannah from Face Down Ass Up University doesn’t look a lot like Blair Warner from The Facts of Life TV show! Unfortunately for us we never got to see Blair’s (Lisa Whelchel’s) panties since the show was produced before Aaron Spelling was an executive producer, however, we do get to see Jannah naked so I guess it’s as good a trade off as any!

The FDAU University features hot small tits schoolgirls, sexy coeds and a sultry head mistress or two. Girls do everything from teasing with lots of panty shots, upskirt pics and camel toe, to masturbation, lesbian sex and getting it on with the local all boys school students!

If you have a hankering for college coeds, but lack the inspiration to sit through class or the finances to pay for it, you can always join FDAU University and cut straight to the good stuff!

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