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Posted By Teen Porn on 02/23/10 - Write A Comment!


I get tons of requests from webmasters from around the world to review their sites. They often have a lot of questions about the review process. For the most part it is pretty straight forward. Your girl must meet several criteria. She must be hot! I must have a burning desire to put my dick in her. The only exceptions? If a surfer searches for her and I don’t have her already, I will often add her on my own.

Most webmasters and probably some of you surfers don’t realize that I will review girls that don’t get fully nude. If she is hot, and I want to fuck her. I don’t care if she gets completely naked. TBH, I enjoy the nonnude ones more than the nude ones -  most of the time!

Naughty Paige doesn’t get fully nude. Not a problem. If you cannot see her vagina through her wet panties while she is in the tub then you are blind.

I like these kinds of girls. I grew up drooling over these kinds of girls. It seems as though girls like Naughty Paige can smell me from a mile away. They instantly pick up on the fact that they can get me to do almost anything for a look up their skirts!

Members of Naughty Paige get access to the NN All Access network. Four nonnude sites for the price of one!

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