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Posted By Teen Porn on 08/18/06 - Write A Comment!
Jenna Swish River Girl

Who is she? Jenna Swish!

Why do we like her? She has big teeth, thin lips and freckles.

I know.. You are thinking those are reasons not to like this chick, but then you are probably the paycheck to paycheck type. Living for the weekend. No plans of any kind.

I am not that type. And just as much as I like money in the bank, I like pussy in the sack. This is the perfect girl to find at the river. And seeing as how Labor Day is coming up, I am going to do some schooling for your own sake.

Sure, you can try to pick up on that hot blonde. You just might get her to fuck you or she is going to play you no matter how good you are and string you along until the last day and maybe fuck you if nothing better comes along. Jenna Swish is going to fuck you the first night, blow your cock the next morning and then let you and two of your closest friends ass fuck her by noon. After that it is time for a circle jerk to get her skin ohh so soft and then maybe she will invite a girlfriend over so you can tag team them.

Now you know why Jenna Swish is going to be funner than the other bitch. Why chase a cat when you can have a dog come to you?

Now why do I like Because she isn’t one of those teasing, whiney, bitchy internet models that won’t get naked. Not only does Jenna get naked, she has a fetish for masturbating with water faucets. I love that kinda shit.

Jenna is the girl nextdoor with the killer pussy and tight body that always tries to get caught naked. You know the type, going into the backyard with four feet high fences topless and expecting no one to see a thing. Changing from her wet bottoms to dry shorts right out in the open. Oops! Oops my ass, she is a slut and she knows it. She just hides behind that shyness to throw us off. But we know.

Access to will also get you access to two of her friends sites. Full sites, not bullshit members area plugins. Members also get to talk to Jenna in her forum and live webcam. Sweet!

Find More Jenna Swish!

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