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Posted By Teen Porn on 10/28/15 - Write A Comment!

No Strings Attached Dating

No-strings dating can be an extremely fun and exciting prospect – two strangers meeting for a random night of sexual fun with no intention of something serious. While some can see its appeal, others wouldn’t even imagine being with someone unless it was for a relationship. As is the case with pretty much anything in life, no-strings dating has pros and cons and it’s because of these that the audience is so split.

First off let’s take a look at the pros of casual no-strings dating. It should come as no surprise but perhaps the biggest perk of a string of casual experiences is that they are fun. While that isn’t to say long term commitments can’t offer a high degree of fun, casual encounters can elevate this feeling even higher. Why? They’re uncomplicated – there’s no need to concern yourself with the pressures and responsibilities of having a girlfriend or boyfriend. Birthdays and anniversaries or deep talks about your future together and where the relationship is going are of no concern to you.

When you hear the term no-strings dating thrown around chances are the focus is on the sex, but something that’s often ignored is the companionship behind it too. Yes the only reason you’re talking is because of sex, but remember there’s nothing saying you can’t get to know this person and talk. Chances are you’ll do this online via a casual dating site before you actually meet. Click here for an example of such website. There’s plenty of interesting people out there so take the time to chat. You’d be surprised how much fun you can have from this too.

Where there are no complications, there’s more freedom. Since you’re not tied to one person you’re free to do as you please, sleep with who you want and as many people as you like. It’s because of this diversity that you may even learn a thing or two in the bedroom through experimentation. What you might end up trying with one guy or girl is likely to be very different with the next. Furthermore you’ll find people feel more confident when there’s no commitment on the line. You can be more adventurous because after all that’s why the pair of you (or more if you’re into that sort of thing) are even meeting.

On the flip side no-strings does bring with it a few cons too. While we’ve already mentioned the amount of freedom you might have, bouncing from one encounter to another can be a fairly shallow and lonely experience. Since you’ll never be with anyone long enough to establish any lasting sort of relationship, you’ll never connect with anyone on a deeper, emotional level. Sure this might suit some out there, but it certainly isn’t for everyone.

Furthermore there are certain risks that can come with casual dating. Safety for example and of course the sexual risks that comes with having multiple partners frequently. Fortunately they’re all totally manageable, rather just concerns to bear in mind.As is the case with anything in life, no-strings dating has its good and bad sides, but if this lifestyle is for you, the goods can certainly outweigh the bad!

Blogged Under: Dating
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Posted By Teen Porn on 10/09/13 - Write A Comment!


I have a need I get sometimes where watching porn videos featuring girls with small tits just won’t cut it for me. I am sure you feel the same way from time to time. When this kind of thing happens it seems that the only way to get my rocks off is to engage with a girl live. There are a lot of different ways this can be done and I will go through them, as well as tell you what to steer clear of.

Since nothing can beat having skin on skin contact I will go with live sex first. In this day and age it blows me away that people still use prostitutes and call girls. There are so many no strings attached dating sites you can use to land a good fuck for a lot less money.

Notice I did not say free. You are not going to get laid for free. You might be able to see some pussy for free, but no small tits chick is ever going to fuck you for free. It is that simple.

What you can do is find them for a lot less money though. Here is where you don’t use fridge dating sites you have never heard of. Stick with known brands that get right to the point with their names. And I will tell you why this is important. If you join a site like the girls there aren’t looking for fuck buddies. They are looking for their next husband. They want some kind of connection. We don’t so lets move on.

Dating sites like will get you laid because the women that populate their profiles aren’t looking for a connection anchored by twenty-three personality bullshits… They are looking for something that is no strings attached. Half of them are married and just want to fool around. We don’t give a fuck about their reasons for wanting a good hard fucking, we just give them the means to get to it!

The final option is to use free live sex cams. This is your go to option if all else fails because here you are going to get cyber-fucked for sure. All you need to do is stick with free cams and talk smooth. Even webcam chicks enjoy compliments. Don’t tell her stupid shit like your small tits are really perky. Say something more along the lines of, I bet a lot of guys at your school didn’t appreciate your small breasts like I do.

Bam! Just like that she is putty in your hands. She wants you to sooth her. She wants you to enjoy her. She is there to please you!

So the next time you think you might strikeout, strike-in with some live sex!

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