In this day and age of free porn being all over the internet is there still any reason to join a site like Emily18? Wouldn’t it just be smarter to try and watch her videos on some tube and save some money? To answer that we will have to get our hands dirty. Really dirty.
Emily is now in her late twenties, but she still looks like she is eighteen years old. She won the lottery for looking young. When she first went online with her site ten years ago people thought there was no way she could be legal. Her body failed some of the tests used to gage how old a girl is based on how far along she is in puberty.
As a member of Emily’s site you get instant access to her content from those first years of her online life. In it you will see a girl grow her perky small tits with puffy nipples. Girls get puffy nipples when their boobies first start to grow and then most lose the puffiness as they mature. Back then her pussy only had little wisps of hair so she didn’t shave it. Not even enough to cover it really.
Emily looked like total jailbait!
In the videos her young skin looks so beautiful. There is one of her in the pool with the water washing over her puffy pink nipples. You want to jump through your monitor and suck on those little wonders!
So is joining her site a good idea? I would have to say yes. While you can find her videos out there in the wild they are hard to come by and they are not very high quality. A copy of a copy of a copy at best. On her site they are crystal clear. Plus you get access to a decade of them. Including the recent girl/girl stuff she has been making.
Take the tour for a hot trailer clip of her growing up online.
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