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Posted By Teen Porn on 12/12/05 - Write A Comment!


Hello, I am Little April. I have never been shy about my body and if you go to my website,, you’d definately say the same thing. I love getting naked infront of the camera and being a dirty, naughty girl.

Some people thing I am to young to be naked on even though I am 18. They think I am to innocent. Can you be to innocent? Others send me a ton of fan mail in the members area.

My mom says, "April, you need to think about growing up." I still live with her and she won’t let me move out until I graduate college. Originally I created my site to pay for college but me and my girlfriends are having so much fun on my site that I can’t imagine doing anything else right now.

Click here for more of Little April!

2 thoughts on “Little April”

  1. omg…u r so friking unbeliveable…wow

    Comment by Tyler — June 24, 2006 @ 6:00 pm

  2. oo u r soo buff

    Comment by ferdie — July 7, 2006 @ 7:04 am

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