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Posted By Teen Porn on 01/26/06 - Write A Comment!
HomeTown Holly Panties Outside

If your dick isn’t pretending to be the Empire State Building at this very moment, you must be gay. This here is an exposé… My first.

I am talking to a buddy of mine named Gunner and he is bouncing all over the couches telling me I am not going to believe this. I ask, “Did Tom and that Katie Holmes chick lose their baby?” And he is like, “NO! What gave you that idea?” And I am like, “Ohh, the couch bouncing thing. I thought it was a hint – a Tom Cruise impression.”

As it turns out, I am shitty at charades if you didn’t already know and Tom and Katie still have a bun in the oven. No exposé there.

No this is about Hometown Holly. The girl above that gave you the woody that I just turned soft with all of this talk about Tom Cruise. No, she isn’t having Tom Cruise’s baby. She is going to be in Stuff Magazine!

BTW, if you don’t already know about Stuff Magazine you are a fool. But you don’t need to be a fool any longer. Go to the local news stand and get a copy.

So be the first to join Hometown Holly at! This way when your friends say, wow, she is fucking hawt-ahhhwww… You can say you fucked her (figuratively speaking of course). Or you can just be witty and say, “Been there, done that…” or even, “I already Stuffed her…”

No matter what your motives are, just get into and start expressing them immediately. OK, I am done. You can have your hardon back…

And click here => Katie Holmes – To see Katie naked! Nice tits! I have to say, I had no idea her naked tits were that full! Amazing!

Click here for more of Hometown Holly

Blogged Under: Teen Sites
4 Comments | Write Comment

4 thoughts on “Hometown Holly”

  1. this is nice

    Comment by money — May 6, 2008 @ 4:09 pm

  2. i fucked her bout 3 weeks ago, best pussy i ever had

    Comment by Cannon0014 — June 8, 2008 @ 9:07 pm

  3. nice ass

    Comment by derek — July 15, 2008 @ 3:00 pm

  4. fuck dat

    Comment by joey — September 17, 2008 @ 6:44 pm

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