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Posted By Teen Porn on 02/14/06 - Write A Comment!
TheaPix - Thea in the bathtub

If only I hadn’t wasted all of my baby oil on that bitch last night.. damn!

Serves me right. I was at the store earlier today and figured I could wait to stock up on more later. Someone told me once that you have got to pay to play and I figured they were just talking about hookers… Nope! Turns out they were talking about keeping baby oil in stock for those – hard times!

That babydoll in the bathtub gallery above is Thea from Isn’t she just to fucking cute! I might be a bit lopsided right now on account of being drunk as all fuck and I get drunk when I am horny… Or vise-versa… or both!

Thea is from Bulgaria but don’t let that make you soft. Girls from Bulgaria are actually hot even though the name of that country would make you figure otherwise. She updates her site twice a week and I love her tour! Why? Because those teaser pics actually point to a real 8×10 glossy instead of being "clever" links to a join page. Gotta love chicks who don’t fuck around, but are around to fuck!

Click the preview button on and check out her blonde friend. As if Thea wasn’t already enough, now I gotta jack off… See you all later!

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One thought on “TheaPix Bathtub”

  1. Come fuck me.

    Comment by Paul Bartley — June 18, 2006 @ 2:50 am

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