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Posted By Teen Porn on 02/28/06 - Write A Comment!
Stunning Serena Skirt Pink Bra Panties

Aww, what happened sweetie? Your soft pink skirt fell down?

Hey, that’s OK! We barely even noticed your pink g-string panties

Right guys?

"Sure" "Right" "Didn’t even notice!" "That’s OK!" "No problem!"

See? Besides your pink bra is so sexy anyways…

Well that girl in pigtails is Stunning Serena and boy-ohhh-boy did she pick a perfect stage name! Seriously, you didn’t think that was her real name did you?

Either way, she is fucking hot as all hell. Someone just bought a membership to her website via one of them POTD links to your right so I figured I’d give her a blog entry.

Unlike a lot of solo model websites, is full of hardcore masturbation videos and lesbian action. Serena doesn’t understand the meaning of the word: softcore!

Find More Stunning Serena!

One thought on “Stunning Serena Pigtails”

  1. evPnid sexy arses

    Comment by Bob — September 8, 2008 @ 5:10 am

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