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Posted By Teen Porn on 03/17/06 - Write A Comment!
Josie Junior Young Teen

I have been gone for a while. So today I am kind of doing a post-a-thon.

This one is about Josie Junior. Josie is one of those young teens that make your dick thump. You could easily mistake her for someone much younger. Perhaps that is why she wears a belly button piercing, to let you know she is eighteen.

But 18yo isn’t exactly OLD by any standard. She is still the same quirky, wiry teenager that she was a year ago. You can catch Josie in her playful sets at I got to meet her brother in Vegas once. True pimp and a player! He must be, he is pimping his own sister to us!

Before her brother decides against it, you’d better get on over to and take advantage of this nubile teen. Watch her masturbation videos and check her kissing videos out with her girlfriends. I am sure you will find a reason to stay!

Find More Josie Junior!

2 thoughts on “Josie Junior Young Teen”

  1. very nice body

    Comment by peter — January 24, 2007 @ 8:49 am

  2. I am hooked on seeing her body. It is very nice

    Comment by Secret Admirer — April 20, 2009 @ 10:17 pm

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