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Posted By Teen Porn on 08/08/06 - Write A Comment!
Ketty Dreams Deja Vu

Now that is a nice set of blue eyes. Boys, meet Ketty, enjoy her sweet smile and her youthful attitude. Just looking at her can make you feel years younger and reduce blood pressure by as much as 20 points.

I am not sure what country people name their kids Ketty in but I am sure it is a country worth seeing at least once. Perhaps even bringing a bride home with you!?!?

Ketty dreams of being the best and most sought after Internet model. I am not sure if she can pull this one off but I can say that I have pulled quite off a few checking out her site. Ketty’s stomache is probably one of her cutest assets. Still a lit bit of baby fat but you can only see it if she is sitting down.

Ketty loves to tease in her videos. You can stream them and watch her getting naked at or download the videos and watch them later. Like when you go on a business trip and need some company in your hotel room. I am sure the wife won’t mind. [wink] [wink]

She updates her dreamy little pics twice a week and her videos once a week. Since she has been on the net for a while now she has quite a large archive of content to keep you… ahh.. busy. Don’t forget to check out the update called, “Booty Shaker.” While Ketty’s booty is little, she really seems to know what to do with it!

Find More Ketty Dreams!

2 thoughts on “Ketty Dreams Deja Vu”


    Comment by HASAN — July 28, 2007 @ 9:32 am

  2. she is a sweet looking girl
    love to see more of her

    Comment by tobe — December 4, 2010 @ 1:03 am

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