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Posted By Teen Porn on 09/11/06 - Write A Comment!
Panty Jobs Holly

I bet you didn’t know that boys aren’t the only ones with panty fetishes. Girls have panty fetishes too! Holly here is no exception. She has been into panties ever since she got her first thong… in junior high!

While I was in high school, I dated a girl who was into giving panty jobs. She said she got the idea when she was masturbation herself through her satin panties. She liked to turn the panties around, inside out, and then rub the soft material on her clit and vulva. It was only a matter of time before she made the leap to trying it on her boyfriends.

Like Holly, my girlfriend was an all-american girl. Cute and innocent on the outside but a freak when she had some free time with her panties. What could make a girl go gaa-gah over a clothes item she has unrestricted access to? I mean, it is obvious that guys go hogwild over their girlfriends panty drawer because it is a forbidden place and enjoying them is taboo, but what makes a girl lose control?

Panty Jobs Holly

We will probably never know the answer to that question. But, we can enjoy the pleasurable effects that girls with panty fetishes affords us!

A panty job is more than just a handjob. It is a girl expressing her own deviant desires with us…. wishing to please us with her hospitality. Sharing her undergarments, which she was told were off limits to boys! The pantyjob is a coming together, a goodwill offering…

Time has moved on and I am no longer with that high school girlfriend anymore, but I can still enjoy Holly at and so can you. Around the clock, unrestricted access to countless girls panty drawers and peace offerings in the form of a pantyjob. The pantyjob videos are downloadable and the pictures are high res. The girls are cute and the panties vary, including lace panties, cotton panties and satin panties.

If you ever spent time infront of your girlfriends panty drawer, is definately going to blow your mind while you blow your wad!

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