With football in full swing this season it is time for me to pay tribute to Sandra’s favorite NFL team, the San Diego Chargers. The Chargers beat the Denver Broncos this weekend with a freakish second half comeback and took first place in the AFC West. But with nipples like Sandra’s, who really gives a shit about football? Just kidding… but really, we must move on. I could have picked any girl at Nubiles to shoot my fansign for me but Sandra had a few things going for her. First off, Sandra is hot. Second, she likes a winning team. And third, I can actually imagine Sandra in the stands next to me cheering her team on. Sandra is from Nubiles, the people that bring you two to three new teens every week. Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat, they don’t call em Nubiles.net because the girls are MILF material. These girls are 90% barely legal with a few college coeds thrown in. The frontpage at Nubiles.net reads like a fucking telephone book of barely legal models. Over 200 in all. There are even more that won’t fit on the page. Each model has anywhere from 1 to 20 photosets and downloadable movies for your enjoyment. If you are looking for that special someone to Fleshlight your swollen glands to, Nubiles has her and she is waiting! |