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Posted By Teen Porn on 12/27/06 - Write A Comment!
Panty Jobs Ashley

Asians… They have got to be one of the tastiest races on the planet.

But why?

Like Latin women, Asian women have skin color all year-round and retain it even in their nether regions. They also have long, sexy, brunette hair.

Asian girls have dick sucking lips. A quality normally attributed to the ebony crowd. And Asian girls know when to keep their mouths shut :)

But unlike African and Latin girls, Asian girls have small frames. Mostly they have small tits with a few exceptions and women under 25 are usually petite. Perhaps that is part of the draw. A girl you can fuck and then throw into your shirt pocket, out of the way.

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This barely legal Asian beauty is from 88 Square. I am not certain where they picked that name up from but I think it is from thumbnail gallery posts (TGPs). Back in the day bandwidth cost a bundle and monitors had shitty resolutions, so 88×88 pixel thumbnail previews actually looked huge. Now they look like shit… Unless they have an Asian in them :)

At 88 Square you get access to a treasure trove of Asian content. They shoot everything in high resolution. You can see the attention to detail in the photos above.

Most of the girls at are from Thailand. I don’t know what they are feeding their women, but they sure make some awesome babies!

A big draw for the site is that it is more than just porn. It is poetic in its use of color and visual cues. You probably have never joined a REAL Asian site before; Mr Chews Asian Beaver is NOT a REAL Asian website. Sorry to have to be the one to tell you so… 88 Square is the closest you can get to a real site and still be able to read it.

If you are a true fan of Asian girls and Asian porn I suggest you get yourself a membership at 88 Square and see what you have been missing.

Find More 88Square!

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