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Posted By Teen Porn on 01/15/07 - Write A Comment!


My buddy and his wife are over and they are pestering me about what it is a I for a living. I guess I live pretty good compared to most folks but I am by no means a millonair. I hate to answer this damn question because the reactions are so far to the extreme it is just easier to make something up.

This time I decided to be honest… Well, kind of. I tell them that I run a blog and leave it at that. While I do run a few blogs I don’t make my living doing it. To be honest with you, my readers, I make about $500 a month after paying for hosting. Really! About enough to pay for my boat.

So you are probably wondering where I make my money? I create advertisements for sites like the Texas Twins. But that is a whole nother post on another day. You people are getting me off track.

My buddy is pestering me for the name of the blog and a few shots of Jagermeister later and I tell him. He looks it up and the next time him and the wife are over she is all up in my shit about the content of my blog.

Basically she thinks the girls are too young. I am like WTF? They are all over 18 years old and that makes it all legal so why are you getting on me about it? She is like, “Well, your oldest daughter is 18 so how can you write about sex and eightteen year olds? What if your daughter wants to do this?”

Now when she said, “to fo this,” she meant to pose nude. But I spun it another way that settled things right then and there.

I asked her if she had something against Hue Hefner. She watches the Playboy channel a lot so of course her answer was no. I asked her if she knew that he had a daughter and she didn’t, which is crazy to me because she is the CEO of Playboy!

So I said, “Well, if my daughter wants to run my business, as Hue’s daughter runs his, I would be all for it so long as she goes to college and obtains a business degree.”

My friends wife said, “OK, but these girls are only 18!”

“Right, and so are the girls in every issue of Playboy when they do college girls or springbreak!”

After that she settled down a bit and now she is actually trying to get her man to write a blog on chicks with big tits (she has some awesome knockers herself)… Funny how things can turn out?!?!

I look forward to the day when I can tell Oprah how that barely legal girl on the boat above is making an adult decision to be on that boat. It is her desire to turn us on and put small tits fantasies into our heads and she has every God given right to do so!

Now, go get a password to Met-Art so I can tell my buddies wife how posts like this can buy their family a boat. I would really like to see them succeed. If they ever get that big tits blog going, I’ll be sure to post a link to it here for all of you to check it out.

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2 thoughts on “Met Art Barely Legal”

  1. i love your body. the pose is sexy. could get into you

    Comment by larry — February 17, 2007 @ 8:10 am

  2. sexsexsex

    Comment by max — April 6, 2007 @ 3:45 am

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