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Posted By Teen Porn on 03/24/08 - Write A Comment!

This is my first post from my PDA so bare with me.

It never really donned on me that Nicole Sparks had to do with more than just having a cool sounding name. I found this set of Nicole smoking a hooka and now it is all coming together.

I am not going to judge this barely legal beauty by her drug use. I am going to judge her by her looks. Nicole is trying pretty hard in this picture to make some clevage. No need for that, her small tits are just fine. In fact everything on Nicole Sparks is fine!

See you all tomorrow!

Blogged Under: Barely Legal,Small Tits
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One thought on “Nicole Sparks”

  1. yo id fuck you so hard ur pussy would throb for a lifetime!!!

    Comment by jay — April 16, 2008 @ 8:52 pm

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