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Posted By Teen Porn on 05/26/09 - Write A Comment!


With the temperatures rising the beaches are heating up and you know what that means. The bikinis are shrinking and in some cases, coming off completely!

xPosing has all of your beach candid pics in one location. They started out a club and have since become an entire community. They also have moved into other niches too like: Cheerleaders, Sports (soccer, swimming, volleyball, etc), Underwear, Chicks on the Pot, Topless, Nude and more!

In the beginning you had to either be a photographer or just have a knack for finding web gems that no one else in the group had. In other words, you had to upload to download. Now everything has changed. And for the better I might add!

Anyone with $19.99 burning a hole in the wallet can join xPosing and enjoy the vast assortment of beach candids along with everything else the users have been collecting over the years.

There are over 170,000 contributors at xPosing. That means you will find tons of porn you have never seen before! With almost 52,000 threads in the forum you have a lot of catching up to do so I won’t keep you here any longer!

Find more beach candids at!

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