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Posted By Teen Porn on 09/07/11 - Write A Comment!


Oh sweet, Jesus! It looks like a deer in headlights, doesn’t it?

Only. Which one is the deer? You. or Private School Jewel?

Either way, you are a winner, my man! It is time to collect your prize and today’s booty is a small tits teen with a killer body and some really crisp pics! Don’t even get me started on the videos!

Ahh. dammit. OK, lets do the video!

In this video Private School Jewel meets us in the enchanted forest by her house. Being a Canadian she doesn’t know what Summer is so things look pretty chilly. Not that I am complaining. I love hard nipples!

This girl reminds me of a girl I used to know. We had a lot of fun together playing "games". Unfortunately life got in the way and she grew up. She is still hot, but she moved on and has a family and all. But I am not going to let that get me down. With a password to I am roasting my eyeballs with a nice hot teen body!

You can too at Private School Jewel!

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