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Posted By Teen Porn on 07/19/12 - Write A Comment!


I came across this picture of Lil Candy with her wet panties and I couldn’t help but remember when I caught a buddy of mine’s sister masturbating her little pussy. She had small tits like Candy and her ass was a perfect little rump. I used to love spanking it and listening to her yelps!

My buddy had pulled an all-nighter at work and so he slept for like twelve hours straight. While he was sleeping I crept around the house checking out all of his shit. Guns racks, home theater, XBox, PS2, etc.

While I was in the far corner of his house I heard what sounding like a girl moaning. Intrigued I slowly crept over to the door from behind which the sound was emanating and peered inside. I didn’t know it, but his little sister was staying with him in a guest room I didn’t even know he had!

She was lying on the bed with her eyes closed and her hand inside her panties. Some kind of porno mag was splayed out next to her. I wasn’t sure how long this girl was masturbating for, but her panties were soaked with her juices!

My cock got instantly hard and I crept over to the bed to get a better look. Just then she opened her eyes and sat up really quick trying to come up with something she was doing other than touching herself. I pointed to the porno mag and then to her wet panties. She knew she was caught "wet" handed!


Right about then she caught sight of my hard cock jutting out from my shorts. I could tell she wanted to see it so I made the usual deal, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. We both ripped our shorts off in record timing.


Next I came up with a brilliant idea. How about we masturbate first and race each other to see who can cum first? That way we will last longer during the act. She was game and even pulled out a thick white candle to plunge into her wet pussy!

While she did put on quite a show, Lil Candy had a huge lead on me. She started to orgasm in a very spastic way after only two or three minutes of ramming that candle into her tight snatch. I shot my cum into her already soaked panties and hoped she wouldn’t get some crazy idea like wearing them with my wet cum in there.

While my cock was recovering we heard a toilet flush in the house. Her brother was up! I looked out the window and saw the pool. I grabbed my shorts and bolted out her sliding glass door and dove in hoping the cold water would do wonders for my half-mast woody.

You can relive your old times or make new fantasies easily with Lil Candy. She loves to play dress up (or is that dress down?) and has plenty of hardcore videos to make your mouth water!

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