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Posted By Teen Porn on 01/26/13 - Write A Comment!


Tiny Tabby isn’t the sort of girl that likes to get into trouble. She isn’t interested in enduring a consequence or anything like that, but she does enjoy doing the sorts of things that get girls into trouble.

Tabby didn’t start developing like the other girls did at her school. While they were growing real boobs she was stuffing her bra in a vein attempt to look like they did. Even with some tissues in her bra she still could only manage an A-cup on her little frame without looking like some kind of freak.

While she could stuff her bra to look fuller up top, Tabby couldn’t do anything about the size and shape, or lack thereof, of her little butt. She had no figure to speak of. The boys didn’t even pay her any attention as they were all too interested in the growing developments going on with the other girls to even notice her.

One group of people at her school did seem to pay her more attention than they paid to the other girls. Tiny Tabby‘s teachers didn’t seem to mind her small tits. In fact it seems as if they tried peeking at her small boobies just as much as the boys were trying to peek at her fellow female classmates.

As the days pressed on Tabby grew increasingly frustrated with her lack of development. She wanted to be noticed. She wanted to date a boy. She longed to kiss a boy for the first time. Just about the only thing she dreaded was having a boy put his hand up her shirt and finding out her bra was padded. As if there wasn’t a single person at her school that didn’t already know she was stuffing her bra.

By the time Tabby was a senior she hit her 18th birthday two months before graduation. The only difference between her freshman picture and her senior picture in the yearbook was that the later was in full color while the former was in black and white. She hadn’t gained a pound, added an inch in height or added a cup size to her boobs. Tabby was getting depressed. Would she still look like an 8th grader by the time college started in the Fall?




While everybody was roaming around campus days before graduation signing each others yearbooks Tabby noticed one of her teachers looking at her from the other end of a long hallway. Tabby always had a crush on this teacher. He was in his mid-twenties and while he was taller than Tabby he was shorter than most men making him look more like an older brother than her teacher.

Tabby rushed over to him to have him sign her yearbook. He beckoned her into his classroom and noticed once she got in there that the shades were all drawn over the windows. When he closed the door behind her she heard it lock. Then lock again as he bolted a lock only the Principal had a key for. He motioned for her to have a seat at one of the front desks.

As she sat and listened he delicately brought up the fact that he had noticed her infatuation with him. Her cheeks went beet red. Then he backed that up with the fact that he also shared the same infatuation for her as well. Her mind began to swim and she was having a hard time grasping a single clear thought so she just sat and listened.

Her teacher went on about key figures in history that also had the same feelings towards little girls as he had. He pointed out that the key difference with him was that he didn’t act impulsively. He didn’t want to disrupt a girls childhood. He waiting for girls to turn 18 years old before he let them know about his feelings towards them.


Her school teacher went on to tell her about how he noticed she felt uncomfortable about her lack of development. He told her not to worry or do anything rash about her appearance. And that if a man truly loved her he would accept her for who she was. Not only that, he would specifically enjoy her because she was who she was.

Tabby’s mind was still reeling trying to take all of what her teacher was saying in. Was he just being informative or was this going somewhere else? Why were the shades drawn? Was was the door locked and bolted? Why did he have a hardon?

As she looked down at his growing bulge Tabby’s teacher expressed his sorrow about not having better control over his emotions. Not wanting to make him feel weird Tabby told her teacher that she felt the same for him and that. she paused.

Before he knew what hit him Tabby jumped up from her desk chair and planted a big kiss on his lips. He was her first kiss. He felt her braces digging into his lips so he parted them to get them out of the way and then felt her tongue enter his mouth in search of his own.

With that his cock practically burst right through his pants. Tabby felt it hit her stomach and she pressed hard into his body lost in the lustful moment of her first ever kiss hoping it would never end. Her teacher put his strong arms around her and cradled her youthful body to his own.

After several seconds of kissing that felt like minutes he brought his hands to her little fanny. She brought her hands down from his shoulders to his waist. He took that as a sign he wasn’t doing anything she didn’t want him to do.

Tabby’s teacher lifted her up and sat her on the desk top. As he moved closer her legs parted and her skirt rode up. Tabby instinctively wrapped her legs around her teachers hips pulling him closer. His hard cock brushed up against her panties and she could feel wetness soaking into her panty crotch.


Once he felt her warm teen pussy on his cock her teacher wrapped his hands around her buttocks and pulled her even tighter into him. She began to buck her hips as he thrust back and forth. Tiny Tabby was having her first dry humping session. And it was with her teacher. An older man!

As they kissed Tabby felt her teacher fiddling around with his pants. Then she felt something big and hard pressing into her panties. It pushed them an inch into her wet pussy. Her panties were so soaked it looked as if she had peed in them.


It took about a minute or so for Tabby to finally realize what her teacher wanted her to do. He wanted her to be the one that pulled her panties over. He wanted her to be the one that chose to lose her virginity to an older man. She could still walk away from this. All she needed to do was tell him it wasn’t the right time.

But that was the last thing Tabby wanted to do. She wanted to feel his big cock inside her tight teen pussy. She had been masturbating with her hairbrush handle for far too long. It was time for the real thing.

Tabby pulled her soaked panties to the side and once again used her legs to corral her teacher in towards her. Once he felt her legs on his buttocks he thrust towards his student and felt his cock sink about an inch and a half into her tight pussy. It stopped not because she wasn’t wet enough, but because the difference between the girth of his cock and the tightness of her virgin pussy was too much.

Slowly Tabby’s teacher pulled out and pushed in with his cock and she could feel her pussy loosening up. Two inches. Two and a half inches. Three inches. Four inches. Five inches. Six inches. Six and a half inches and it stopped short of the full seven on account of it hitting her cervix deep inside her.

His cock was much longer and a lot wider than her hairbrush handle was. Tabby felt as if her pussy might tear. As he continued to work his cock in and out of her Tabby felt the walls of her pussy relaxing as they stretched to accommodate him. Soon that tearing feeling was gone and all she could feel was how good it felt to finally have some dick in her.

Tabby leaned back and used her arms to buttress herself as her teacher began to thrust harder and faster. Tabby was beginning to feel faint as she started to hyperventilate in all of the excitement. Her pussy began to quiver and she felt as if she was going to cum. Tabby looked up and she could see that her teacher was going to cum as well. While she wanted more than anything to cum at the same time as him, Tabby definitely did not want to get pregnant.

As her teacher pounded his cock inside her pussy she could feel it getting extremely stiff and large. She tried to recall when her last period was and if she was near her ovulation date. Her mind was too fuzzy. She wanted to cum. Suddenly he thrust real hard into her and Tabby could feel a sense of warmth deep inside her belly. He was cumming!

Since it was too late to do anything about it Tabby closed her eyes and bucked at her teacher with her feet letting him know he should continue to fuck her. He opened his eyes to see his petite student beginning to show beads of sweat on her brow. Her face contorted as if she were having a scary dream and then he felt her pussy begin to squeeze his cock in pulsating contractions.

Tabby let out a high pitched squeal and then a loud moan. Not wanting anyone to hear her in the hallway or a neighboring classroom her teacher pulled her up so her face got buried into her chest. She continued to moan, but not it sounded muffled as if she were moaning into a pillow. She wrapped her arms around him and he did the same to her. They held each other in an intimate embrace.

As the endorphins ran dry in her brain Tabby began to think again. She thought about pinching herself just to make sure what happened really happened. Her teacher drew back to look at her and she gazed up at him. He told her how amazing he felt with her. How incredibly beautiful she was. Tabby felt amazing and beautiful. She had just (possibly) begun a relationship with an older man. Screw all of the other girls in her class that were dating jocks. She was better than they were!

Her teacher told her that he would get some tissue so she could clean up and when he pulled out of her she instinctively put her hand between her crotch to keep his cum from dripping down onto her skirt. He returned with a wad of tissue and she used it to wipe herself up. Tabby squeezed her pussy a bit and more of his cum squirted out. Again she tried to remember when she had her last period.

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