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Posted By Teen Porn on 01/30/13 - Write A Comment!


When Lil Candy first started modeling she was overwhelmed by the response her site garnered. She received a torrent of Email telling her how beautiful she was and how she shouldn’t get self-conscious about her small tits. Men wanted her to know they were beautiful. That she was beautiful just how God made her.

After this initial flood of Emails Candy began to receive Emails of another kind. They were from the jealous wives of the men that had previously told her how beautiful she looked. These Emails contained some very nasty words and openly wondered why a girl would whore herself out like Candy was doing. Above all they wanted to know why Candy looked so young. Was she trying to act younger than she was?

The sad thing is that these women weren’t keeping an open mind. Could it be possible that a barely legal teen like Lil Candy that looks like jailbait also feels just as youthful inside as she does on the outside? I think so. Candy doesn’t do anything girls her age aren’t doing already. If she is flirty around older men it is because girls her age get that way around older men. If she is playing on their desire to be with a younger lady then so be it. A large percentage of girls her age do the exact same thing!



Believe me. Candy would love to look older and be able to flaunt big boobs, but that wasn’t the hand she was dealt. So now is she supposed to just stop playing the game or play her hand in a way she can actually come out on top?

Ponder those questions and more at Watch her seduce men with her tiny tits and her nubile body. Best of all, watch a girl play with her pussy when there are no boys around. She looks adorable!

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