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Posted By Teen Porn on 05/30/13 - Write A Comment!


Do you remember the part in the movie Contact when the billionaire tells the main character about the first rule in government spending? He says something about not settling for one thing when you can have two for twice the price. Well, this is sort of like that. Why settle for one Abby Winters gallery when you can have two and they are both free?

This time we also have two girls in the gallery. Why have only one when two are twice as nice?

Both girls have small tits and a flirtatious nature about them. Seeing them frolic in their clingy panties is almost too much to bear. (Did somebody get their dose of the Great Gatsby last night?) Somehow, though, I think we will find a way to manage.

With Abby Winters you get a whole different perspective on teen sex. They use real girls from Australia without resorting to cookie cutter bullshit. The worst part about most porn sites is that they are all the same. Abby lets the girls explore their individuality in exciting and fresh ways.

Again, do something different and exciting this time. Give Abby Winters a try, will us old sport?

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