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Posted By Teen Porn on 08/30/13 - Write A Comment!

Small tits girl Kimmy Teen in orange panties and freckles

I had freckles when I was in grade school, but not a lot of them. Just enough to have the girls tell me they looked cute. But I always had a thing for girls with freckles. If a girl had freckles and red hair I was like a deer in headlights. She could ask me to do anything and I would do it without hesitation.

One girl I spent a lot of time with looked like Kimmy Teen above. She had perky small tits with pink nipples. A lot pinker than any other girl I had ever been with. She also had very little pussy hair. She didn’t even need to shave it or trim it. Her pussy only grew short wisps of hair just above her slit and that was all.

While I was at her house and her parents were working (thank God for latchkey kids!) she asked me to pee for her right out of the blue. Normally I did whatever she asked without much hesitation, but this seemed odd. Was she asking me to pee because she wanted to see it in a scientific way, a sexual way, or both?

Kimmy teen sitting on the toilet with her legs spread

Any who, on this occasion I didn’t move fast enough for her liking so she grabbed me by the hand and led me to her bathroom. Once in there she dropped her skirt to the floor and got up on the toilet. She sat on the tank with her feet resting on either side of the bowl. She really wanted to see me pee!

By this time I was getting a bit of a hardon. It kind of made me embarrassed because, if this wasn’t sexual to her, then why am I getting hard? Would she think I was some kind of pervert?

Kimmy reached for me, pulling me up to the plate. It was time to pee or get off the pot, or so they say. She yanked both my pants and my underwear down without one motion. My cock bobbed around with some precum flinging off the tip into the toilet.

"You can watch me pee when you are done," Kimmy offered. "Now pee! I want to see it!"

Luckily I actually did need to pee. I had just chugged an entire Dr. Pepper. As I stood there concentrating on peeing the thought occurred to me that Kimmy might have given me that ice cold Dr. Pepper in preparation for watching me pee it out. Again, was this just curiosity or was she seeing pee in a sexual way?

Finally my pee stream began to run. With my cock so hard it came out as almost a spray. Keeping it inside the confines of the toilet bowl took every bit of concentration that I could muster. Half way through my display Kimmy lifted one of her feet up and put it into my pee stream. Once the hot liquid hit her toes she moved them around as if trying to drench them completely with my piss. While I was wondering what she was doing I also thought it looked dreamy.

"Wow your pee it hot!" She yelled out. Good thing her parents weren’t home because she was one of those girls with no filter and no volume control.

Once I was done she stood up on the toilet seat and squatted over the hole. It didn’t take long for her Dr. Pepper to find its way to her urethra. Only… she didn’t pull her panties to the side. As I watched Kimmy peed her panties and seemed to really enjoy it. The look on her face was as if a dozen hands were giving her a full body massage all at the same time.

After about 3 or 4 seconds she commanded me to put my cock into her pee stream. I did as I was told and it felt good to have the warm liquid streaming over my cock. Especially on the head. I wanted so bad to beat myself off right then and there.

Kimmy teen peeing in the toilet through her panties

Kimmy Teen got back up on the tank of the toilet again and put her hand into her panties. I could tell she was tracing her pussy lips. Actually, I could practically see right through her pee soaked panties.

I stood there watching Kimmy for about 30 seconds before she told me to hold my cock in my hand and tug on it. I wondered if she knew I jerked off. The way she worded her command it seemed as if she didn’t know and was starting with the basics incase I wouldn’t know how to beat my meat. I just played along.

Her fingers picked up their pace in her panties once I started tugging on my hardon. Precum began to build into a thick drop. I wiped it all over the head and shaft so I could quicken my own pace as well. Before long we were both breathing heavy. Now my friend with benefits was going to get to see me shoot cum without having shown me her pussy yet!

My cock shot hot white streams of goo into the toilet bowl water. It was yellow with our pee. The white globs slowly floated down to the bottom. While I was firing off shots of sperm Kimmy was convulsing on top of the tank. Twice I thought she was going to slide off onto the floor and hurt herself.

Once she calmed down a bit she opened her eyes and we both laughed. Then she brought her finger to her mouth and began sucking her juices out from under her fingernail. I stood there slack jawed looking at her as she did it. Then she put her finger in front of me and I sucked on it. Her pussy tasted like nothing I had ever tasted before… except that it also tasted a bit like pee.

Kimmy looked down and saw there was a bead of cum resting on the eye of my penis. She slid down off of the tank to rest on the seat with her mouth right in front of my cock. Like a frog or a lizard she flipped her tongue out catching my sperm on the tip. She hummed a yummy sound at the taste.

After that encounter we made getting together to explore our sexuality an everyday occurrence. Sometimes we invited others over to do some nasty things with us. That was a long time ago. But it still feels like yesterday on account of the fact that I can relive those wonderful memories with Kimmy Teen and her barely legal friends.

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