When Tiffany Walker started filling out her neighbor took extra interest in her. She liked the new found attention she was receiving, not just from her neighbor, but all guys, young and old, in general. It seemed everybody wanted to talk to her and ask her how school was or what was going on in her life. Usually they asked these questions to her budding breasts. Again, she didn’t mind. It made her happy to know guys were interested in her.
Once Tiffany turned 18 years old it seemed men in particular took an increased interest in her. But she was only interested in the one who always seemed to like her company, even before she began to fill out. That person was her neighbor. Somebody so trusted she was allowed to go over to his house even if her parents weren’t there.
Over time this tiny tits blonde began to dream of having sex with the man living next door. It seemed so kinky to her. It made her wetter than any other fantasy she masturbated to. Late at night, before bed, she would frig her little pussy until it was very swollen and wet. Tiffany devised all kinds of ways to seduce her neighbor into letting her suck his cock. She was very interested in finding out what his sperm tasted like.
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