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Posted By Admin on 04/17/19 - Write A Comment!

Shopping for a luxury ultra realistic feel life size tpe silicone sex doll from an online store is really convenient, no need to go outside and no need to worry about someone knowing you are buying a life-like love doll. But, facing so many different online adult love doll stores, how can we know which site is real? Which should we choose?

I think a real online site should have comprehensive pre-sale and after-sale customer support service, including online chat and email. You can get the answers to all your questions and doubts.

With a good buyer right protection policy, some details as you are guaranteed of a full refund if by chance you do not receive the order, Or, should the product ordered be not as described, you get a full or a partial refund depending on the circumstances. The site even offers you premium TPE materials made samples for free if you will bear the freight charges. And to top it all, if your sex doll were to be damaged during transit, you will be compensated with a brand new realistic sex doll. This buyer right protection policy was published by UXDOLL.COM.

Providing a Safe Payment Method, such as Paypal, or credit cards are also a thing to take note of. After you place the order successfully, you will receive an order confirmation email along with the order number. Due to full body size sex dolls are a customize product, so it also need 3-5 days for production, after it been produced, you will get an email (contains some pictures or videos) to confirm the details of your ordered sex doll. After being confirmed, your most realistic life size tpe sex doll will be shipped out, you will get the tracking number after that and can check the details tracking information online.

Choose the site which has no hidden fees, there are two kinds of sex doll shops, one is the doll price is already contained the shipping fee, the other is not. I think if the shipping fee is included in the marked price will be better than the separated.

If one online sex doll site meets all these requests, I think you may place your order with no worry.

Blogged Under: Teen Sites
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