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Posted By Admin on 09/07/22 - Write A Comment!

What is the standing feature of full body size adult sex dolls?

When you first purchase a TPE silicone sex doll, you may notice the option to stand. So what is standing? What is not standing? Shouldn’t sex dolls universally be able to stand?

It starts with the TPE material. The TPE material is very soft, and if you buy a sex doll that is not designed to stand, because there is a steel skeleton inside the foot plate, this metal may directly wear out the doll’s feet when you need to keep the doll standing. Standing dolls are equipped with three screws on the feet as an extension of the skeleton to support the doll’s standing, so as not to cause damage to the doll.

Proper use of the stand function

Even your huge butt sex doll with the stand-up function, the doll may not be able to stand up. The bottom three screws play a supporting role, because the doll is not like a real person, there is a cerebellum to keep the body in balance, so you still need to find a wall or rely on so that the doll can stand firmly on its heels. When choosing a doll that includes a standing function, do not put stockings on the doll, because the screws may wear or penetrate the stockings.

Should I choose the standing feature?

For those who are seeking the perfect doll, the three screws will undoubtedly destroy the integrity of the sole of the foot. Depending on one’s needs, if one does not need the huge boobs sex doll to remain standing for a long time, the plain feet are the best choice as it keeps the body in line; but if one intends to use the attractive blonde TPE sex doll as a mannequin or a costume model, the standing feature is indispensable.

If you want to know more about their differences, or have any questions about buying a quality TPE sex doll online, try visiting and you will get more professional answers.

Blogged Under: Sex Dolls
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