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Posted By Teen Porn on 06/30/12 - Write A Comment!


A girl has to be pretty fucking hot to get me to jackoff without her taking a single stitch of clothing off. Natasha Belle is that hot. Not that she doesn’t take her clothing off for her members. I am just saying this girl is flawless!

From her perky small tits to her cute button nose Natasha Belle has a way of making my balls tingle. Sometimes I am into booty and I like Emily 18 for those times. But other times I want a firm ass. A volleyball players ass. Natasha has one of those asses!


I was pretty lucky growing up in that I knew a girl like Natasha Belle. She taught me the art of the tease. Strange because in reality you come away from her thinking, damn, what a slut! But she never takes her clothes off!

This girl I knew used to like watching me jackoff while she showed me progressively more and more of herself. First it was her ass in her short-shorts, then it was her handbra small tits, then her camel toe panties. You get the idea.

It took weeks before I finally got to see her pussy and the entire time she got to watch me jackoff and shoot my cum all over the place. Slut!

If you like the tease and you like flawless girls now and then, get yourself a membership to Natasha Belle. You won’t be sorry. I assure you!

Posted By Teen Porn on 12/23/09 - Write A Comment!


I am sure you have heard of the nipple slip by now. You know, where a girls nipple slips out of her bra or her boob pops out of her bikini top? Today we are going to focus on something even more perverted, the pussy lip slip.

To help us with our visuals today we have Ashley Roberts from Amateur Upskirts. They shoot the best upskirt porn I have ever seen. Sure, LV Panty has good teen panty porn in general, but Amateur Upskirts is where you want to go for upskirt videos!

A good friend of mine had a sister that used to have a chronic pussy lip slip (PLS) problem. She was a year younger than I and that PLS seemed to occur way too much to be natural. Sometimes it happened at the pool and other times when she was lying on her stomach in front of me. I began to wonder if maybe she was letting things slip out on purpose!

On one occasion I was sitting behind her on the couch watching TV and she had on her plaid school uniform skirt. We were watching The Facts of Life or some shit and she kept bouncing her feet around and rubbing her sock covered feet against one another.

While this was going on her skirt kept riding higher and higher. Soon I could see the white of her cotton panties. My dick twitched. She had her knees spread about shoulder length and then bent her legs back in so her toes touched. With her legs bouncing this way and that I could see her pussy crack as her panties got pulled snug up against it.

Seeing her nubile body with only a millimeter of white cotton between us was too much. I started pinching the head of my dick through my pants subconsciously and soon began squeezing the shaft. I had no idea what  I was going to do if/and when it came time to cum!

Suddenly she turned around and I snapped back from my trance. I took just a little too long pulling my hand off my cock. She didn’t give me any indication she knew what I was doing, but I was certain she had some idea. Just then Ashley got up and went to the bathroom.

I could here Ashley peeing and then the toilet flushed, but she didn’t come right out. I wondered if she was too embarrassed or something. Had she realized what I was doing? Was she wondering what to do now? Did I make her uncomfortable?

The bathroom door opened and Ashley went back to her spot on the floor without looking at me. I didn’t know what to think, but I know what I was hoping. I was hoping she enjoyed having an admirer. Even if he was a total pervert and liked to look up girls skirts. How crazy is that?

Ashley resumed her leg bouncing and soon her knees were parted again. It took everything for me to leave my horny prick alone. What if she was baiting me? What if this was a trap to catch me red handed? Again I was torn. Would that be so bad? It could be. but then it might be what she wants. I was losing my mind on this girl!

Once her legs parted enough to see her white cotton panties again it became apparent there was more to see this time around. One of her pussy lips had slipped out of her panties. This was the closest I had ever come to seeing a real, in your face pussy at this point. I wished I had bionic eyes so I could zoom in!

Over time Ashley’s leg bouncing caused her panties to slip on her butt cheek far enough that her inner pussy lip became visible. It was pink and it appeared to be moist. My dick couldn’t take it anymore and I resumed my rubbing.

Ashley reached down below herself and I thought, “NO!!!!” She was going to fix her panties! NO! NO! NO! NOOOOO!!!!!

Instead she itched herself on the other side of the PLS and it caused her panties to move over even more! Now I could see her tiny slit! I started to sweat and quickened my pace. I was praying she wouldn’t turn around and catch me or cover herself. I couldn’t believe how hot I was for my best friend’s sister!

My trance turned into a heavy daze. I lost track of what was going on around me and I shut my eyes and imagined my cock inside her soft, pink pussy. Feeling it squeeze down hard on my cock.

“Are you going to cum right there on the couch or excuse yourself to the bathroom?”

What? My eyes opened to Ashley staring right at me. I didn’t know what she said. Something about telling her mom and my mom? Telling her brother? I was horrified!

“So? Are you going to cum in your pants or do it in the bathroom?”

This time when she said it she stood up. I was paralyzed. I didn’t know what to do or say. How could I be so perverted with my buddies little sister? What was I thinking?

“Come on.” She said and grabbed my hand.

She took me into the bathroom and positioned me in front of the toilet. Then she stood back a step and looked at me expectantly.

“Go ahead. I know what you were going to do so just do it.”

Did she really want me to jack off in front of her? Again I didn’t know what to think. Could it really be possible that my best friend’s sister knew about sex? Then it hit me. Every girl does. They have to watch those videos about periods, pregnancy and child birth. So she knows all about sex. Probably more than I do. But jacking off in front of someone else?

“I think you start by unbuttoning your pants first, ” Ashley stated expectantly. I sensed she was losing her patience.

With that I began unbuttoning my pants and pulling down the zipper. She smiled and switched her stance to something more representative of excitement. I hadn’t so much as shown my dick to another person since I hit puberty so I was a bit apprehensive even if my audience was all to happy to see it.

“Here, let me help you,” Ashley said as she reached forward and slowly tugged my pants down. Then she reached inside my underwear and pulled them down too.

My dick sprung out like a phoenix. She gasped and said something under her breath about its size. I looked down and was quite surprised by its girth myself. It seemed to have grown bigger just for its official unveiling ceremony. I wanted to give it a high five for being such a champ during this otherwise embarrassing moment. I was so happy. She was impressed!

“Now do what you do when you think about my pussy.” She said softly.

I had never heard a girl utter the word pussy before. She had accentuated the “P” and lisped the “ussy”. I take that back. I heard a women do the same thing in a James Bond movie once. That must have been where she had gotten it from.

Without further provocation I performed the deed. She never took her eyes off of my cock. Looking at her face you would almost think you were watching her as she was watching a tennis match. She was mesmerized by me stroking my cock. Jeez! She was a pervert!

It didn’t take long before I shot my spunk into the toilet bowl.

“That was so cool!” She exclaimed.

“Uh, thanks.” Was all I could come up with.

“Hurry up and get your pants on. My mom is do home any minute. Ask my brother if you can spend the night on Friday and maybe we can do this again!”

Ashley left the bathroom and locked the door behind her. Over a two year period I was treated to many more PLS shows and I treated her to many more jack off performances. By the time she moved because her dad got a job in another city we had rubbed each other and performed oral on each other. I never did get to feel just how soft her pussy would be on my glands. Her mouth was warm and sweet though!

Amateur Upskirts has dozens of models with more being added monthly. They update several times a week and the girls do more than just let you glance up their skirt. Destiny has some great masturbating videos there, as do many of the other girls.

Get your own membership and enjoy Michelle Lynn too. She is the Princess of Camel Toe!

Posted By Teen Porn on 12/01/09 - Write A Comment!


One of my old schoolmates had an older sister named Lucia. She used to tease me like it was her life’s work or something. It all started when she caught me peering through the cracked open bathroom door. It wasn’t like I was trying to spy on her and snuck up on the door or anything. I just got lucky.

On this particular night I was staying at my buddies house because my parents were going to be out of town for two weeks. My buddy Mitch and his parents were at a team meeting for his wrestling team. I guess if Lucia was younger than me they would have minded me staying behind. After all, younger sisters usually develop quite a crush for their older brother’s friends. So as it were, Lucia being older than me and all, they figured she’d be repulsed by my presence.

As I walked by the slightly opened bathroom door I took a quick look inside. It is only human nature for a growing boy, right? There was Lucia. Wearing only her print panties and a matching tank top. She was removing her eye makeup, so she was elevated to her tippy-toes and leaning over the counter.

Lucia already had nice legs, but there is something about how she was standing that made them look even longer, sleeker and sexier. Not to mention they terminated at her nice, volley ball player’s ass. I had never seen a thong on a girl before. well, live anyway. and I am sorry, nobody, not even a queer, could have walked away from that sight! It was more than just a sexual image, it was God’s perfect creation. A divine work of art!

Just as I got the idea to skedaddle Lucia turned towards me. At first her look was surprise. Like, woe, someone is looking at me and I didn’t expect it. Then it turned to disgust. Just as her parents had predicted it would. But then it turned to something else. Something hard to describe.

That last facial expression was brought about when Lucia looked down towards my waist. While I was looking at her perfect ass I had sprung a woodie. First, she got that surprised look again. Like she didn’t expect to see “him” looking at her either. Then a wry smile worked its way across her face. I was sure that smile meant I was about to get blackmailed or something worse.

“Do you like looking at my ass?” Lucia asked while slapping her butt cheek with her hand.

I tried to say something, but nothing would come out. I wanted so badly to just turn back the clock and mind my own business.

Lucia opened the door and walked into the hallway. She pointed to my hard cock pushing on the front of my pants. Her finger was only an inch away from it. For a second I thought she was going to touch it and this caused my dick to twitch. and let out a drop of precum. It instantly soaked through my boxers and my pants.

“I will take that as a yes,” Lucia stated with another wry smile. “Come here.”

Gesturing towards me to follow her, Lucia walked into her room. I did as I was told. Walking behind the object of my affection, I was a slave to her ass.

“Sit,” Lucia commanded.

I sat on the desk chair she had moved in front of her bed. Lucia climbed onto her bed and sat Indian style. I was trying not to be rude and look at her crotch, but I was losing the battle.

Lucia asked if I wanted to see her boobies and I nodded yes.

“OK, but you have to pull your pants and your underwear down.”

While I wanted to see Lucia’s boobs, I didn’t want her to see me. Nobody had seen me naked since my mom use to bathe me. To be blunt, I wasn’t sure about how big a dick was supposed to be and didn’t want to embarrass myself if mine wasn’t big enough. Lucia sensed this and told me not to be afraid. She could see my big dick already through my pants. She just wanted to see it naked now.

I felt a bit like someone would feel if they were jumping off of a twenty foot cliff. It isn’t all that high and they aren’t going to get hurt, but that first jump is a leap of faith. I leapt and pulled my pants down, quickly sitting back down.

My dick bobbed around a little and then settled upright. My face must have been beet red.

“See, it wasn’t that bad and it looks plenty big to me!” Exclaimed Lucia. “Now I guess it is my turn.”

She slowly pulled her top over her big boobs. Once out of their confinement they bounced a bit. Her nipples hit the cold air and instantly got hard. Some kind of hunter gatherer instinct kicked in and I swear time slowed down. My vision got better. From six feet away I could count every goose pimple on her nipples. I think my mind was recording that sight for me in extreme-HD just incase this kind of thing never happened again.

Lucia ran her hands over her boobs and it seemed she was trying to show that they were springy and sort of hard at the same time. This made her nipples even harder, which made my dick even harder. I felt a cool drop of precum hit my lower stomach.

“Oops, looks like someone is dribbling. Heehee.”

I looked down and indeed my cock was dribbling on me. Fucking amazing. I am this close to a semi-nude chick and my retarded friend from below the belt is making an ass out of me!

“Maybe you should rub it in. That way it won’t keep happening.”

My heart skipped a beat. Did she just ask me to jackoff? Now my face went beet red again, only this time, much deeper!

“Oh come on, I know you touch your thingy at night when you go to bed. You probably think of my ass. Don’t you?”

I was now having trouble breathing. Was this an interrogation? Is this where she tells me she is going to tell my mom, the entire school unless I do something for her?

“I know you do. So does Steve. I like to watch him do it. It shows me he is interested in me. You are interested in me aren’t you?”

Fuck yeah I am interested in you! Can’t you see it in my face?

“Now go on. Or I will tell everyone that you did it anyway.”

What the heck? Steve, quarterback for the football team, does it, so why can’t I?

I lightly gripped my cock and started tugging.

“That’s a good boy. I bet it is feeling better already.” And with that Lucia grabbed some lotion from her night stand and started massaging it into her bouncing boobies. It was like having a porno happen in real time, right in front of you!

“I will make you a deal. You can come to my room during your stay and watch a show if you will cum for me. You have to cum quickly. You have three minutes. Go!”

I looked at the clock. It said 7:05 and that meant her brother and her parents would be home in about three to five minutes. I had no choice. I couldn’t sit here savoring every nook and cranny of Lucia’s body. I had to act quickly and get to the bathroom before they got back.

Lucia bent over and offered me her lotion. I had never beat off with lotion before. I figured it must be what Steve does and he is a stud so again, what the heck, right?

With lotion I could go faster than I had ever gone before. Lucia sensed I was getting close and started moaning softly. She bit her lip and told me to cum for her. She wanted to see it shoot out. She bent over and let her tits hang, pushing her hand through the middle. I imagined how that would feel on my cock and without thinking about where it would go, I shot my load.

The first glob made the six foot trip and hit Lucia on the knee. The next one fell just short and hit the side of her bed. After that they got closer and closer to me. I stood up and tried to miss my own pants. Got them too. Dammit.

Just then I heard the garage door opener go off. I waddled with my pants around my ankles into the bathroom and began to clean myself up. I heard Lucia close her door. I stood there looking in the mirror. When was I going to get this chance again? Tomorrow? Maybe later on tonight? Would she even consider doing this again? Would she come to her senses? I sat down on the toilet and found that I was hard again. I beat off one more time. It set my mind at ease.

Someone knocked on the door. Mitch asked if I was almost done. I guess he figured I was going number two. I yelled almost and looked forward to tomorrow.

Lucia from Total Super Cuties will remind you of the good times. While Total Super Cuties isn’t about anal sex, double penetration or extreme facials, it is about teasing, it is about an age of innocence.

At Total Super Cuties you will find 27 updates from Lucia. Shot when she was barely legal. Just like your best friends older sister when you developed your boyhood crush on her. Unlike your friend though, Total Super Cuties has 56 sisters!

With so many hot 18 to 23 year old girls in one place this membership is a no-brainer. All of them unique. All of them possessing their own brand of skills to work that cum out of you. Some of them get topless, some fully nude and some of them masturbate right along with you!

No matter what their technique is, they are all Total Super Cuties!

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